
巴夏Bashar:The Self 【自我】

2012-12-13 20:26阅读:
The Self 【自我】

Q: I want to go back to Guardians Angels or Higher Self for a second.

B: All right, have a good time. (Audience laughter)

Q: Why does the Higher Self send down the lower self to learn a lesson
that the Higher Self already knows? What is my misperception here?



(有大写的“Self ” 和小写的“self”,为描述方便,强行表示为高层面的【自我】,而字母小写的,代表的是物质层面的有生理外表显化的,姑且称其为“小我”。这只是文字上为了描述的方便,而从本源上来说,所有自我都是一体的,一体又同时是终极唯一的。所以在这些文字上,个人觉得不要被文字执拗,重点是去理解文字描述背后要传递的,无法被文字限定的部分,才是关键。----译者注)

B: Oh, thank you. The Higher Self does not send down a lower self. The idea is that the Self creates an idea and the idea automatically determines that it will be split into components that can experience what it wants to experience. Only in a universe of limitation, of forgetfulness, can you experience many ideas you cannot experience in a universe in which you do not forget who you are. Thus, to experience certain ideas of limitation, you must create a portion of your consciousness to extend itself into the universe in which you can forget who you are. Thus, the idea of a lower self is created instantaneously upon the desire to have a certain type of experience. It is not that the Higher Self sends a lower self, it is simply, by denition, according to the experience that is desired, that these ideas of separations are created. You follow me?


Q: So I’m now in the realm of limitation and I’ve cut myself off from the true knowingness because I’m limiting myself so that I can experience...


B: But you are still within true knowingness, for what you want to learn you are learning. And in this way, you have not cut yourself off for the conduit is always there. Now this is the transformational life, in your terms, you are at the ending of a multi-thousand year cycle in which you have been forgetting, and now you are remembering. So you are re-integrating and becoming aware that you even have such a thing as a Higher Self.


Q: Do we use human aberration to learn these lessons?

B: Yes.

Q: And so is it pointless to try and get rid of human aberration?

B: You cannot get rid of it. By accepting and learning the lesson you simply no longer need that tool, and then it will integrate and smooth out. It is all of the fighting against what you have chosen to learn that continues what you are calling aberration. The acceptance of it will be the integration of it, the learning of it and the smoothing out of it.



Q: What does acceptance actually mean though? Let’s say I have something that was socially unacceptable...

B: Socially?

Q: embarrassing to me.

B: Then in this way you are learning the idea of judgement and that if it is something in this way that you can still learn from, then it is a lesson just as valuable and equal to any other lesson that you could learn. And you can also learn and have the opportunity from that, in terms of knowing how to express.


Q: Thank you.

B: Thank you.

* Bashar Channeled by Darryl Anka 巴夏 经由 达里尔安卡 传送
* 原文出处:http://robertjrgraham.com/
* 翻译整理:冷静投机 (欢迎指正翻译错漏,谢谢)

