
《A Word is Dead》   Emily Dickinson

2010-12-18 20:55阅读:
读了博友 Noah 的译作,便和他一样,有了一种翻译的冲动,我的翻译,不如说是拿着别人的成果搞了个重组,所以首先要感谢辛苦耕耘的不同时期的翻译者。不同译稿可参考Noah博客:http://blog.sina.cn/dpool/blog/s/blog_6706a3d00100n6ny.html?vt=4

A word is dead 有人说
When it is said
Some say 一旦被说出口

I say it just 可我说
Begins to live 它才生
That day 从这一天开头

In this poem, Emily Dickinson examines the 'life' of a word. First, she discusses how some believe that once a word is uttered, its importance is no longer necessary. That is, once it has served its purpose, it is no longer anything of importance. Whatever the word meant at the time has disappeared; it now exists only as a lonely word.
Dickinson, however, feels that when a word is used, its importance and meaning is never lost. She feels that the emotions and feelings that went into the words being spoken remain, and that the word's meaning will forever remain that way. For instance, if someone were to say 'I love you', the words' significance would not fade out after it was said. The person being told they were loved would forever remember what the word meant, and thus, the word would always live.
This poem was written in short, concise lines to emphasize the importance of each and every word used. The rhyme scheme of aabcdb also shows importance as the tiny words that rhyme send tiny shivers through the reader because of their rhyme.
The main theme of this poem is that words never lose their meaning once they are spoken. The intentions they were spoken with remain with the person spoken to as long as the words are remembered.
这首诗,Emily Dickinson 审视'life'这个词. 首先,她谈到一些人认为话一旦说过,其重要性已不再需要. 即一旦达到了目的,就没有了任何意义. 当一词意味着什么时,它就已经消失:它只是目前唯一一个孤立的词.
Dickinson认为当一个词被使用,其重要性和涵义就从不会失去. 她认为,情绪和情感,被口头表达,这句话的意思会永远保持下去. 例如,如果有人说'我爱你'字样的意义,才不会消失. 爱的人会告诉他们永远记住这个词的意思,因此,文字永远活.
这首诗很短,线路简明强调每一个字眼. 这首诗的主题是一旦讲出话语永远不会失去意义的. 只要记住它们的用意是在与人交流的话.

