
in favor of,in favor with的用法区别

2009-10-23 10:50阅读:
in favor ofin favor with的用法区别
  In favour of的意思有三个:赞成有利于让位。例:
  1.   Are you in favour of this new project?你是否赞成这个新计划?
  2.   I am in favor of stopping work now.我赞成现在停止工作。
  3. The Prime Minister resigned in favour of a better candidate
  • We are in favor of her promotion to president.我们赞成她升为总裁
  • I am all in favor of equal pay for equal work.我完全支持同工同酬。
  • There were 247 votes in favour and 152 against.247票赞成,152票反对。
  In favour with的意思是受到宠爱得到好评(或重视)= be popular with例:
  • The Chief Executive is now in favour with the people.现在行政首长受到市民的爱戴。
  • =This dance is popular with young people.这种舞很受青年人喜爱。
  • Our plan is not in favour with the authority.兰局并不重视我们的方案。
这里的相反词为 out of favour.例:
The sycophant is out of favour with his boss
in favour of是表示主动的涵义,即赞成某事或支持某人,对什么有利或让位给谁;
in favour with则表示被动的涵义,即受到或得到某人的好评或重视。

