

2021-01-30 13:18阅读:
新加坡电视剧(2021) 过江新娘 My Star Bride
演员: 黄暄婷, 徐彬, 吴劲威, 曾晓晴, 黄振隆, 许美珍, 陈泰铭, 朱厚任, 林梅娇, 郑各评, 陈丽贞, 周智慧, 胡煜诗, 莉玉, 何鎂琪, 黄炯耀
梅芳草 (黄暄婷饰演) 离开越南的小村庄来到新加坡谋生,同时寻找失散已久的妹妹梅芳妮 (曾晓晴)。命运使她与曾经成功但傲慢的律师钟世杰 (徐彬饰演) 相遇。世杰遇上意外,身患残疾,芳草劝他收留她当“新娘”照顾他。她的善良和决心让世杰走出了绝望,而她帮助她实现了临终母亲与芳妮团聚的愿望。
Mei Fangcao (Chantalle Ng) leaves her small village in Vietnam to come to Singapore to earn a living and at the same time looks for her long-lost sister Fangni (Gini Chang). Fate crosses her path with that of a once successful but arro
gant lawyer, Zhong Shijie (Xu Bin). Shijie met with an accident and is now disabled, Fangcao convinces him to take her in as his “bride” to care for him. Her kindness and determination brings Shijie out of his despair, while the latter helped her fulfil her dying mother’s wish of reuniting with Fangni.
Shijie falls seriously ill, not wanting to burden Fangcao again, he sends her home to Vietnam. After going through many trials and tribulations together, is this the end of the road for this pair of star-crossed lovers?

