
卡尔经典英语绘本《From Head to Toe》从头到脚唱唱跳跳

2016-02-04 21:32阅读:
今天庆庆妈给大家分享的免费好资源是《艾瑞卡尔Eric Carle大师作品大合集》PDF+视频+音频。那么今天也来欣赏其中的一本吧,《From head to toe》。
卡尔经典英语绘本《From <wbr>Head <wbr>to <wbr>Toe》从头到脚唱唱跳跳


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What can you see in the blackboard? Can you see a boy or a girl?

卡尔经典英语绘本《From <wbr>
Head to Toe》从头到脚唱唱跳跳' TITLE='卡尔经典英语绘本《From Head to Toe》从头到脚唱唱跳跳' />
a boy.
What is the penguin doing?
卡尔经典英语绘本《From <wbr>Head <wbr>to <wbr>Toe》从头到脚唱唱跳跳
It is turning its head. Can you do it?
How long the the giraffe's neck?
卡尔经典英语绘本《From <wbr>Head <wbr>to <wbr>Toe》从头到脚唱唱跳跳
Do you think the giraffe is beautiful?
What is the giraffe doing?
Can you do it?
What's the next animal? It looks like a cow but it is not a cow.
卡尔经典英语绘本《From <wbr>Head <wbr>to <wbr>Toe》从头到脚唱唱跳跳
It is a buffalo(水牛).
I am a buffalo and I raise my shoulders(耸肩). Can you do it?
The girl raises her shoulders. I can do it.
The buffalo has two horns(角).
Which animal is next?It's like a human.
卡尔经典英语绘本《From <wbr>Head <wbr>to <wbr>Toe》从头到脚唱唱跳跳
It is a monkey. Can you remember the book《Five little monkeys jumping on the bed》.This red monkey has very long arms. I only heard the monkey's hip is red.
Can you do it? I can do it.
Can you guess the next animal? It lives in the sea,but it's not a dolphin and it is not a fish.
卡尔经典英语绘本《From <wbr>Head <wbr>to <wbr>Toe》从头到脚唱唱跳跳
It is a seal.(海豹)
I am a seal and I clap my hands. Can you do it?
What is he doing?
What is the next animal? It looks look like a monkey but it is not a monkey. It is cute.
卡尔经典英语绘本《From <wbr>Head <wbr>to <wbr>Toe》从头到脚唱唱跳跳
I am a gorilla and I thump my chest(捶胸). Can you do it?
I can do it.
By the way, what does gorilla like to eat?
Now can you tell me the next animal? It is a very common animal. It lives with people.
卡尔经典英语绘本《From <wbr>Head <wbr>to <wbr>Toe》从头到脚唱唱跳跳
It is a cat. What is the cat doing?
I am a cat and I arch my back(弓背).
Can you do it?
wriggle my hips:扭屁股
卡尔经典英语绘本《From <wbr>Head <wbr>to <wbr>Toe》从头到脚唱唱跳跳
bend my knees:弯膝盖
卡尔经典英语绘本《From <wbr>Head <wbr>to <wbr>Toe》从头到脚唱唱跳跳
kick my legs:踢腿
卡尔经典英语绘本《From <wbr>Head <wbr>to <wbr>Toe》从头到脚唱唱跳跳
stomp my feet:跺脚
卡尔经典英语绘本《From <wbr>Head <wbr>to <wbr>Toe》从头到脚唱唱跳跳
wiggle my toe:动动脚趾头
卡尔经典英语绘本《From <wbr>Head <wbr>to <wbr>Toe》从头到脚唱唱跳跳
Let's review:What kind of animal we have seen?
What are they?
pengium, What can the pengium do? He can turn his head.
giraffe,What can it do? It can bend his neck.
buffalo, WHat can the buffolow do? He can raise his shoulders.
Monkey,What can the monkey do? I can wave my arms.
seal:It lives in the seal,it is not a dolphin or fish. he can play volleyball and clap his hands.
THe next annimal looks like a monkey. Gorilla. what can a gorilla do? thump my chest.
THe last animal we have seen is a cat. It is a cat. I arch my back, preparing to acttck the mouse.
How many animal we have seen today?
Seven kinds of annimals.
Which animal do you like best? Why do you like it?

卡尔经典英语绘本《From <wbr>Head <wbr>to <wbr>Toe》从头到脚唱唱跳跳

第四,还可以回忆一下在《Super Simple Songs》里面学的:
Head and shoulder, knees and toes,knees and toes

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