

2024-04-29 19:31阅读:
比较A,B 两篇文章,让我们获得更多的写作启示。(红色为A 篇,黑色为B 篇)
As an English and American high student, I would like to share my thoughts on
'Goodbye to My High School Life'.
With the graduation drawing near, it’s time for me to say goodbye to my high school
life. It’s a bittersweet farewell as I board a new chapter of life journey.
During my time in high school, I always had a positive attitude towards my studies. I
strived to excel in all my classes and participate in various extracurricular activities. I
faced challenges head-on and never gave up when things got tough. Through hard
work and determination, I was able to achieve success in both my academic and
personal endeavors.
Looking back on my high school years, I have come to realize the importance of
perseverance and dedication. I have learned that success does not come easy and
requires a lot of effort and sacrifice. High school has taught me valuable lessons that
will stay with me for the rest of
my life.
Looking back on my high school life, my learning attitude was characterized by a
combination of enthusiasm, curiosity, and a thirst for personal growth. Each day, I
treated learning with a positive mindset, eager to absorb knowledge and make the
best of every opportunity. I can never forget those late-night periods, fueled by
dream and determination, when I was struggling to make preparations for
challenging exams.
In conclusion, saying goodbye to my high school life is bittersweet. Although I am sad
to leave behind the memories and friendships I have made, I am excited to embark
on a new chapter in my life. High school has shaped me into the person I am today,
and I am grateful for all the experiences and lessons it has given me.
High school is a time filled with good memories and valuable experiences that have
shaped me into the person I am today. I will cherish what I’ve gained and carry it
1. 合乎题目要求:
A 篇和B 篇都符合题目要求,都探讨了“Goodbye to My High School Life”这一主
2. 文章行文布局是否合理:
A 篇的文章结构清晰,分为学习态度和经历以及感悟两个部分,逻辑连贯。B 篇
3. 文章用词用语是否准确且高级:
A 篇和B 篇的用词基本准确,但A 篇在表达中更注重用语的确切性和专业性,也
更有表达深度。B 篇在一些地方表述较为简单,有待提升。
4. 打分:
A 篇:内容完整,结构清晰,用词准确,表达深度,总体评分为23 分。
B 篇:内容合乎题目要求,结构合理,用词较为简单,需要提升,总体评分为20

