

2015-05-18 11:48阅读:
欧巴马总统乘坐空军一号出访。 (White House)
5月8日, 欧巴马总统乘 “空军一号” (Air Force One)访问南达科他州(South Dakota) ,成为仅第四位在任期内到访过美国所有州的总统。
欧巴马总统在水城湖区技术学院(Lake Area Technical Institute in Watertown)毕业典礼上发表演讲,宣传他的免费社区学院提议。在演讲的一开始他说:“我非常高兴来到这里,现在我作为总统已经到过全部50个州,我把最棒的一个
湖区技术学院的学生们向欧巴马总统赠送手工制作的棉垫。 (© AP Images)
欧巴马总统还说:“其他49个州,我希望你们不要见怪。” 这不是欧巴马第一次来南达科他州,但却是他作为总统的第一次到访。其余只有理查德·尼克松(Richard Nixon)、比尔·克林顿(Bill Clinton) 和乔治·H·W·布什(George H.W. Bush)也在任职期间访问了全部50个州。为庆祝这个成就,白宫首席官方摄影师皮特·苏扎(Pete Souza)发表了一套图片专辑,收录了欧巴马总统访问每个州时所拍的一张照片。
With his May 8 visit to South Dakota on Air Force One, President Obama has become only the fourth president to visit every U.S. state during his term.
“I am thrilled to be here,” Obama said at the start of his commencement address for the Lake Area Technical Institute in Watertown, where he promoted his proposal for free community college. “I have now been to all 50 states as president, and I was saving the best for last.
The students of Lake Area Technical Institute presented President Obama with this handmade quilt. (© AP Images)
“To the other 49, I hope you take no offense,” he added.
It wasn’t Obama’s first time in South Dakota, but it was the first time he had come as president. Only Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush also visited all 50 states while in office.
To celebrate the achievement, Pete Souza, the White House’s chief official photographer, published a photo gallery featuring a picture from each state Obama has visited.
Seventy-five million international tourists visited the United States in 2014. For most people, including Americans, there simply isn’t enough vacation time or money to see all 50 states in one trip. But it’s still a long-term goal for many.

