

2016-08-16 11:44阅读:
​内容来源:分享美国 地址链接: http://go.usa.gov/xjJv9


8月12日星期五——图为波兰选手阿尔图尔·伯佐佐夫斯基(Artur Brzozowski)在2016年夏季奥运会男子20公里竞走决赛中。中国选手王镇在这项比赛中夺冠。(© AP Images)


西蒙·拜尔斯在空中腾跃 (© AP Images)
8月11日星期四——西蒙·拜尔斯(Simone Biles)赢得本届奥运会女子体操全能金牌,图为她在平衡木比赛中。拜尔斯三年来一直是全世界最优秀的体操选手,她在谈到自己的成就时说:“我不是下一个博尔特(Usain Bolt)或菲尔普斯(Michael Phelps)。我是第一个西蒙·拜尔斯。” (© AP Images)


女子举重选手正在欢呼(© AP Images)
8月10日星期三——哥伦比亚举重选手莱迪·索利斯(Leidy Y
essenia Solís Arboleda)在2016年夏季奥运会女子69公斤级举重比赛后欢呼胜利。她以253公斤的成绩名列第四。(© AP Images)


A member of the Italian men
8月9日星期二——意大利男子场地自行车队的一名队员在里约奥林匹克自行车馆(Rio Olympic Velodrome)进行训练时飞速转弯。(© AP Images)


两名佩剑选手正在比赛(© AP Images)
8月8日星期一——匈牙利的安娜?马尔顿(Anna Márton,右)与法国的玛农?布吕内(Manon Brunet)在女子佩剑个人比赛中。布吕内以15比12击败马尔顿。(© AP Images)


(© AP Images)
8月8日星期一——美国队的凯里·欧文(Kyrie Irving,10号)冲破委内瑞拉队的格雷戈里·埃切尼克(Gregory Echenique)的防守带球上篮。美国男子篮球队是夺金的热门球队。(© AP Images)


从水下拍摄的三名女游泳选手正在比赛的图片(© AP Images)
8月7日星期日——瑞典游泳选手萨拉·舍斯特伦(Sarah Sjöström),中,在2016年奥运会上摘取女子100米蝶泳金牌并刷新世界纪录。 在她两侧泳道的分别是日本选手池江璃花子(Rikako Ikee,右)和澳大利亚选手艾玛·麦基翁(Emma McKeon,左)。(© AP Images)


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8月6日星期六——2016年夏季奥运会于8月5日在巴西里约热内卢开幕。上图为在马拉卡纳体育场(Maracanã Stadium)举行的开幕式上的绚烂烟火。(© AP Images)


(© AP Images)
85日星期五——巴西运动员杰克逊·奥利韦拉(Jackson Oliveira)在玛丽亚·伦克泳馆(Maria Lenk Aquatics Center)进行2016年里约夏季奥运会前的训练。 (© AP Images)

Making strides

Friday, August 12 (above) — Artur Brzozowski of Poland walks through the mist during the men’s 20-kilometer race walk final at the 2016 Summer Olympics. Wang Zhen of China won the race. (© AP Images)

Simone Biles: One of a kind

Thursday, August 11 — Simone Biles, seen here performing on the balance beam, won gold for the women’s gymnastics individual all-around final. The world’s top gymnast for the past three years has this to say about her legacy: “I’m not the next Usain Bolt or Michael Phelps. I’m the first Simone Biles.” (© AP Images)

Worth the weight!

Weigh lifter and dumbbell (© AP Images)
Wednesday, August 10 Leidy Yessenia Solís Arboleda of Colombia celebrates after a lift in the women’s 69-kilogram weightlifting competition at the 2016 Summer Olympics. Solís placed fourth with a lift of 253 kilograms. (© AP Images)


Bike rider moving fast (© AP Images)
Tuesday, August 9 — A member of the Italian men’s track cycling team rounds the track during a training session inside the Rio Olympic Velodrome. (© AP Images)

Fencing in the spotlight

Two people fencing (© AP Images)
Monday, August 8 — Anna Márton of Hungary (right) fences against Manon Brunet of France during the women’s saber individual fencing competition. Brunet defeated Márton, 15-12. (© AP Images)

To the hoop!

Men playing basketball (© AP Images)
Monday, August 8 — The United States’ Kyrie Irving (10) drives to the basket against Venezuela’s Gregory Echenique during a men’s basketball game. The U.S. is favored to win gold. (© AP Images)

Reaching for gold

Three women swimming viewed from underwater (© AP Images)
Sunday, August 7 — Sweden’s Sarah Sjöström, center, sets a new world record and wins gold in the women’s 100-meter butterfly at the 2016 Summer Olympics. Rikako Ikee of Japan (right) and Emma McKeon of Australia (left) swim in the adjacent lanes. (© AP Images)

Welcome to Rio 2016!

Stadium at night with many bright lights and fireworks (© AP Images)
Saturday, August 6 — Fireworks burst over Maracanã Stadium during the opening ceremony of the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on August 5. (© AP Images)

Dive into the Olympics!

Man performing dive in front of Rio 2016 sign (© AP Images)
Friday, August 5 — Brazil’s Jackson Oliveira takes part in a training session at the Maria Lenk Aquatics Center ahead of the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. (© AP Images)
With “Rio Top Shots,” ShareAmerica is featuring a photo a day from the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Each day the previous Top Shot photo will move down the list. Keep your eyes on this page as the gallery grows!

