If there is a good scenery in the heart, where is not a
full path
古风 antique
柴米油盐酱醋中。茫然四顾空彷徨。 Life is very short, very
as if in a flash Hao Ran heaven and earth Jing look
back, in a hurry to see old age. Life is very long, very long, busy
life. Firewood rice oil salt sauce vinegar.
Wandering around in a daze.
寒来暑往风风雨,奔波劳苦步步艰。 Life is hard and hard, the sea of pain
is endless. Cold and summer to wind and rain, hard
work step by step In all life, there is a time for
happiness and sorrow. All edge a fluctuating heart, up and
down rolling infinite.
平生一切生活中,喜怒哀乐时时逢。 都缘一颗波动心,上下翻滚竟无穷。
不温不火宁静静,平凡生活喜冲冲。 And I just want to every day, not noisy not to
smile. Mountains and rivers thousands of
obstacles, suspected no way out over the
mountains In the twinkling of an eye, and a
village. The sound of the drum is long. Follow
the spring community near the village.
聊与时光相同行,与世无争自逍遥。 轰轰烈烈不奢求,舒适温暖便是好。 时光渡口独自己,砥砺前行路迢迢。 Simple clothes, simple people, ancient folk
customs. From now on, if idle by month, ZhuZhang
knock all night. All the troubles are thrown away,
leaving a normal heart. Pick up time warm heart, cut the window
人活一生值得爱,值得爱的东西多。 Pond water quietly heart, throw away
the distractions of timeLife is simple, simple,
flat light Hua NiaChun Xia Qiu dong optional edge,
alternate if idle.
不要因为一遗憾,人就凄丧就灰心。 陆游游历山西村,留下名诗传古今。
自酿自饮农家酒,笑留来客足鸡豚。 Lukewarm quiet quiet, ordinary life
happy. Let the wind and rain shake, calmly
face from the smile. Talk and time together, aloof from the
world. Grand and vigorous don't crave,
comfortable and warm is good.
山重水复千障碍,疑无出路越山岭。 转眼柳暗花明出,隐隐约约又一村。
衣冠简洁人朴实,千秋民俗古风存。 Time crossing alone, fortify the road
ahea Why is life bitter, all hard in
persistent. If you care about what is, what will
torture you Human life is a traveer, why too
persistent One's life is worth loving, and there
are many things worth loving.
一切烦恼皆抛去,留下一颗平常心。 拾段光阴暖心房,剪窗风景怡衷肠。 观池湖水静静心,抛去杂念度时光。 Don't be sad and discouraged because of
a regret. Lu You traveled to villages in Shanxi
Province, leaving a legacy of famous poems. Mo Xiao farmers wine muddy, farmers
treat people the most sincere. Brew from drink farm wine, laugh to
stay guest foot chicken dolphi
妙趣横生的世界,早就活出了心底。 正如独坐敬亭山,孤独李白多风趣。 Through the ages to say lonely, eternal
and constant topic. However, in the heart of the lonely,
the feeling of loneliness is far beyond. Interesting world, long lived out of
the bottom of my heart. Just like sitting alone in Jingting
Mountain, lonely Li Bai more interesting.
长空众鸟高飞尽,一片孤云独去闲。 彼此相看两不厌,远望只有敬亭山。
世间孤独分种类,无数孤独使人烦。 孤独若因别人起,使人失落心欲寒。 The sky many birds fly, a lonely cloud
to idle alone. Look at each other two, only Jingting
mountain. There are many kinds of loneliness in
the world. If lonely because of others, make
people lose the heart cold.
人生路上最美的,风景盛开在心底。 最美心底都藏在。最真挚的感情里。
If lonely because of the heart, need to
extricate on their own. So that people can get, the most
extreme enrichment. The most beautiful life on the road,
the scenery in full bloom in the bottom of my
heart. The most beautiful heart is hidden in.
In the most sincere feelings.
有风有雨的日子,生命厚重承载起。 风轻云淡更适于,静静领悟好情趣。
内心快乐若太少,无所事事空寂寂。 Windy and rainy days, life heavy
bearing up. The wind light cloud light is more
suitable for quiet understanding of good taste. Every day in the repetition of the
heart can not empty space. Too little inner happiness, idle and
人生世遇多少事,无穷无尽使人怀。 正如杨慎临江仙,无限感慨望山海。 眼看滔滔长江水,无穷诗兴滚滚来。 Don't shut the good and the good out of
your mind. How many things in life, endless people
bosom. As Yang Shen Linjiang immortal,
infinite feeling Wang Shan and sea. See the Yangtze River water, endless
poetry rolling in.
一壶浊酒喜相逢。古今事付笑谈中。 Rolling Yangtze River east of the dead
water, spray Amoy all ages. Is not success or failure turn head
empty, castle peak in sunset red. White hair Yuqiao river Nagisa, used to
see the autumn moon and spring breeze. A pot of liquor is happy to meet. The
past and present matter pays the joke.
生命太短没时间,伤春悲秋去难过。 你若笑过便会懂,风雨琳琅山水合。 Lin Yutang once said: How much is there
in life? Also from time to time to laugh at
others, sometimes to smile me. Life is too short to have time, hurt
spring sad autumn to sad. If you laugh, you will understand, rain
and beautiful scenery.
人生真正的安顿,重要安顿在心房。 正如苏轼定风波,随意而安抒衷肠。
尽道清歌传皓齿,一笑一颦娇模样。 The real settling of life, important
settling in the atrium. As Su Shiding, optional and Ann to
express stories. Often envy the world of jade Lang, days
should beg and point crisp niang. As far as the song of white teeth, a
smile a jiao appearance.
面对万物皆微笑,笑时犹带岭梅香。 试问岭南应不好,此心安处是吾乡。 The wind whirled and the snow flew and
the sea became cool. Wanli return less face, infinite
secluded heart hidden. In the face of all things smile, smile
with Ling Mei Xiang.
因为心静才洞悉,心灵之美最纯真。 心安理得的生活。让人轻松又快乐。 简简单单的欲望,让人宁静而平和。 Lingnan should not be good, this peace
of mind is my hometown. Because simple to understand, the light
heart of life is quiet. Because of the quiet insight, the
beauty of the heart is the most pure. Live with peace of mind. Make people
relaxed and happy.
在于自己的内心,融入自然美风景。 无门慧开大禅师,曾经对景把诗吟。 年复一年有四季,一季一景景怡人。 Simple desire, let a person quiet and
peaceful. The real peace in the world is not in
the mountains and water. It's in your heart, in the natural
beauty of the landscape. Wumen Hui open big Zen master, once on
the scene to the poem Yin.
春有百花秋有月,夏有凉风冬有雪。 若无闲事挂心头,便是人间好时节! 在漫长的一生里,看着光阴飞疾去。 There are four seasons from year to
year, and each season is beautiful. Four hours of endless reincarnation,
over and over the total. There are flowers in spring and a month
in autumn, cool wind in summer and snow in
winter. If there is no business hanging heart,
is a good time in the world!
春夏秋冬漫徘徊,寒来暑往时光易。 生活之暇工作余,三五好友相邀约。 对酒当歌抒怡情,及时行乐乐无极。 伟人何必太在乎,人生几何无穷事。 In a long life, watching time fly
away. Spring, summer, autumn and winter
wander, and time is easy. Spare time of life work, three or five
friends to invite. To drink when the song to express
happiness, timely line Lele infinite.
生活不会因眼前,暂时困难把步止。 还有美好的未来,值得我们去争取。 Great man why care too much, life
geometric infinite things. Life in this life, destined to go
through the wind and rain. The ups and downs are normal. The past
is gone Life doesn't stop at the
moment. There's a future out there that's worth
fighting for.
一天一年一辈子,流年就在弹指间。 正如罗隐聊自遣,望事悠悠若等闲。
得即高歌失即休,多愁多恨亦悠悠。 今朝有酒今朝醉,明日愁来明日愁。 A day a lifetime, fleeting time in the
blink of an eye. As Luo Yin chat from send, look at
things leisurely if idle. Get that song lost that rest, more
worry more hate also leisurely. Live today, live today, and worry
总会有一份欢愉,值得用心守护去。 The tide of life rises and falls, and
the world blossoms and flowers fade. But people in life, there is always
good quietly. It warms your heart. It gives you
fun. There is always a joy, worth
人若心常怀美好,人生处处阳光灿。 人人心怀着美好,人间处处有温暖。 愿我们常怀美好,一路前行风光饶。 迎来心中最美的,无限风景无限好! If the heart is always with good, life
is everywhere sunshine. People with a good heart, there is
warmth everywhere. May we always bosom good, all the way
forward scenery Rao. Usher in the heart of the most
beautiful, infinite scenery infinite good!
蓝天白云云悠悠,遇上南飞雁归去。 Spring wind breeze, blowing summer
rain. The beauty of the autumn month is
infinite, illuminating the snow in winter. The stars shone and fell into the
morning sea. Blue sky white clouds long, met the
south flying geese back.
岁月不会停脚步,时间不会停不前。 你要相信若美好,终会定与美好见。 就像一株株小草,沐浴甘露滴滴鲜。 就像朵朵花开放,阳光照耀更芳艳。 Time will not stop, time will not
stop. You have to believe that if it is good,
it will be good. Like a plant of grass, bathed in drops
of fresh nectar. Like a flower, the sun shines more