

2019-09-22 05:23阅读:
The speech for the Jack's wedding party in USA
In March 1988, one night, in an apartment of number 13th building in Xi 'an medical university, my wife and I discussed together to name the newborn son.
Although I have read a lot of books, but when reality was that only a word or two words can allows you to cover all the anticipation for the child. At that moment, giving a name is a not easy thing.
After comparison many words, the name I gave is: 'Zhang YiNan'. The meaning is outstanding man.
But my wife did not agree this name. she looked at the sleeping son lying on the bed and said. He should be called Zhang jie.
“Why Do you give this name to him?”
She said:”Jie represent good news.”
On hearing this, I immediately thought the past one year my wife experienced in laoshan frontline during the war.
On Spring night in 1986, I went to Lintong Station in Xian to say good bye to her before she left. My wife and her teammate stand in military unifor
ms wearing a Red cross on armband wrapped around left arm. In the darkness that brought the war and sacrifice life in front of my eye. During the rumbling sound of the whistle, the column of trains caring her comrades and artillery disapperared in the boundless night. From then on, my heart was closely linked with war in front line.
At that time, I worked in xi 'an medical university as cardiac surgery. No matter how busy my work every day, I will go to the library to look at the People's Daily, pay close attention to the frontline of the war. What I worried is that the name list for the injured and death had my wife’s name.
'Ok, he can be called Zhang jie !' I agreed right away to such a little request from a female doctor after the triumph in the flames of war.
Since then, a man named Zhang jie's story, like the unfolding of the TV series in front of my eyes.
In 1993, I took him by the hand, walked into the primary school of the conservatory of Shaanxi normal university.
In 1999, he came to Beijing BISS international school.
In the spring of 2005, I was on a business trip in baotou, he gave me a phone call, told me, 'he admitted by Johns Hopkins university!'
Two years later, In 2007, Yuanting in California also received a similar entrance notice to the university of John Hopkins.
The Fate let the two people had never known before, began to know each other in the campus and staged a long eight-year long run for love and gave the opportunity for us to witness the happy moment.
Today, when I stand here to speak, I feel very proud for I can have such a good son and daughter-in-law. The proud came from not only they worked in a famous university, but also the hard working spirit.
In 2015, I came to Baltmore to see Jack. In the wind, he came to pick me up at the airport, wearing a pair of sport shoes that was bought by me in China few years ago. That shoe is not only very old, but also two sides of shoe have worn out, I even can see his toes. He take me back to his dorm. At that time, he lives in townhouse next the Johns Hopkins university, he and the other two students shared that house.
He took the two tins of beer to my hand from the refrigerator in the kitchen and let me to drink. I said: 'where is the dishes ?'He said: 'in the United States to drink beer, we never eat dishes.'
In the evening, I live in his room, a window air conditioner has been buzzing sound, let me unable to sleep. The most terrible thing is the bed. Whenever I a turn around, bed board from one side will fall.
In such an environment, He completed his doctorate. He spends all the time and energy on the work and study.
Zhang Jie has been a very nice child since the childhood.
I thank him very much .As a normal person, his life series will continue to have a wonderful show, but what I am most looking forward to seeing , should be the scene at the beginning of this article.
One night in one day they are working together to gave name to the next generation.
Finally, I should see thanks to all friends and relatives to attend the wedding party hear.
I wish Yuanting and Jack to have happiness life in future.

