

2024-05-25 03:04阅读:
特斯拉在 2024 年第一季度交付了 386,810 辆汽车,比上一季度下降 20% 以上
作者:布拉德·安德森(Brad Anderson
 Tesla Doesn’t Appear To Be Chasing 20 Million Annual Sales Anymore
  • 特斯拉现在只想“尽可能多地”销售其产品
  • 丰田是全球最畅销的汽车品牌,2023 年销量约为 1000 万辆
  • 与 2023 年第四季度相比,特斯拉第一季度的销量暴跌了 20%
2020 年,埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 大胆地声称,在十年内,这家电动汽车制造商每年可以销售 2000 万辆汽车。这将是丰田每年销售的汽车数量的两倍,这一说法被许多人驳回。然而,这似乎是该公司认真对待的一个目标,而不仅仅是马斯克的另一个即兴梦想。在其 2021 年和 2022 年的影响报告中,特斯拉重申了这一目标。
观看:埃隆·马斯克不确定特斯拉每年是否会生产 1000 万辆或 2000 万辆汽车

然而,特斯拉的 2023 年影响报告没有提到雄心勃勃的 2000 万销量目标,只是说其“目标是通过销售尽可能多的特斯拉产品来取代化石燃料”。
埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)本人似乎对2022年初的销售目标有些不确定。特斯拉的老板告诉一群人,特斯拉最好的生产方案是每年生产1000万辆汽车。片刻之后,他补充说,一个积极的目标是到2030年,该公司每年销售2000万辆汽车,就好像1000万辆和2000万辆之间没有重大差异一样。
 Tesla Doesn’t Appear To Be Chasing 20 Million Annual Sales Anymore
去年,特斯拉在全球销售了180万辆汽车。这对制造商来说是一个记录,但在 2024 年,事情的开局并不稳固。第一季度,特斯拉仅交付了 386,810 辆汽车,比 2023 年第一季度下降了 8.5%,比 2023 年第四季度下降了 20.2%。对于一家拥有如此雄心勃勃的生产和销售目标的公司来说,这是个坏消息。
 Tesla Doesn’t Appear To Be Chasing 20 Million Annual Sales Anymore

Tesla Doesn’t Appear To Be Chasing 20 Million Annual Sales Anymore

Tesla delivered 386,810 vehicles in Q1 2024, more than 20 percent down from the previous quarter
by Brad Anderson
5 hours ago
  • Tesla now just wants to sell as many of its products “as possible”
  • Toyota is the world’s best-selling car brand with roughly 10 million vehicles sold in 2023
  • Tesla’s sales plummeted by 20% in Q1 compared to Q4 2023
Tesla no longer seems determined to sell 20 million vehicles annually by 2030, leaving out the long-touted goal from its latest impact report.
In 2020, Elon Musk made the audacious claim that within a decade, the electric car manufacturer could be selling 20 million vehicles every year. That would be double the number of cars that Toyota sells annually and was a claim dismissed by many. However, it seemed to be a goal the firm was taking seriously and not just another one of Musk’s off-the-cuff dreams. In its 2021 and 2022 impact reports, Tesla reiterated the goal.
Watch: Elon Musk Isn’t Sure If Tesla Will Build 10 Million Or 20 Million Vehicles Each Year
However, Tesla’s 2023 impact report, there is no mention of the ambitious 20-million-sales target, simply saying its “goal is to displace fossil fuels by selling as many Tesla products as possible.”
Elon Musk himself has seemed a little unsure of the sales target in early 2022. Tesla’s boss told a crowd that Tesla’s best-case scenario for production would be 10 million vehicles annually. Moments later, he added that an aggressive goal would be for the company to sell 20 million cars annually by 2030 as if there isn’t a major discrepancy between 10 million and 20 million.
Last year, Tesla sold 1.8 million vehicles globally. This was a record for the manufacturer but things have got off to a shaky start in 2024. In Q1, Tesla delivered just 386,810 vehicles, an 8.5% drop from Q1 2023 and a 20.2% decline in deliveries from Q4 2023. That’s bad news for a company with such ambitious production and sales goals.
Reuters suggests Tesla may be shifting focus from selling as many electric vehicles as possible to focusing on robotaxis. The company plans to make an announcement about its robotaxi project on August 8.

