

2011-03-19 22:21阅读:
echo 的意思是 回响,回音,做动词时是 回应,随声附和 的意思
看到echo这个词,我就想起一个美国俚语,一般是用来骂人的~echo chamber
字面上的意思是 回音室,混响室 的意思,其实还有另外一个意思,看这张图~

echo chamber 的另一个意思是指 那些谄媚地同意别人所说一切的人~俗称 应声虫 或 跟屁虫~

Definition of ECHO
a : the repetition of a sound caused by reflection of sound waves
b : the sound due to such reflection
a : a repetition or imitation of another : reflection
b : repercussion, result
c : trace, vestige
d : response
: one who closely imitates or repeats another's words, ideas, or acts
: a soft repetition of a musical phrase
a : the repetition of a received radio signal due especially to reflection of part of the wave from an ionized layer of the atmosphere
(1) : the reflection of transmitted radar signals by an ob
(2) : the visual indication of this reflection on a radarscope

Examples of ECHO
  1. We shouted into the canyon and listened to the echo of our voices.
  2. the echo of footsteps in the hall
  3. His work contains echoes of older and greater poets.
  4. The book's title is an echo of a line from an old folk song.
  5. The crime is a chilling echo of the murders that shocked the city two years ago.

Origin of ECHO
Middle English ecco, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French echo, from Latin, from Greek ēchō; akin to Latin vagire to wail, Greek ēchē sound
First Known Use: 14th century

Related to ECHO
Synonyms: aper, copyist, copycat, follower, imitator, rubber stamp, wannabe (also wannabee)
Related Words: parrot; ape, emulator, impersonator, impressionist, mimic

