

2024-06-11 01:23阅读:
In that misty morning when I saw your smiling face 雾蒙蒙的早晨,见到你含笑吟吟 13A
You only looked at me and I was yours
就瞅了我一眼,我便丢魂 10A
But when I turned around you were nowhere to be seen
可一转身,我便望不见你的踪影 13a
You had walked away and closed the door
你走开了,还关上了门 9a
When will I see you again
何时再见到你 6B
When will the sky stop to rain
何时 7B
When will all the stars start to shine
何时满天繁星闪烁 8C
When will I know that you're mine
何时知你属于我 7C
Did I ever meet you in the sunshine
阳光中,我何曾与你相逢 10D
And when we were both a thousand years away
那时候我们俩已远隔千年 11E
Did I ever hold you in the moon light
月光中,我何曾与你相拥 10d
Did we make every minute last another day
我俩可曾缠绵,流连到下一天 12E
On the cold December night I gave my heart to you
腊月那个寒夜里,我把心给了你 13
And by the summer you were gone
到夏季,你一去不还 8e
Now as the days grow older and the stars will start to dim
而今当岁月荏苒,星星会开始晦黯 14e
All I have are memories and this song
这首歌是我全部的思念 10E

